Shanghai Zhuyun Machinery Co., Ltd. offers various types of honing tools, honing mandrels and honing applications. Our products range in diameter from 2.5mm to 300mm and are suitable for all honing series. A creative tool designed for high precision and cost effectiveness.
Diamond Honing Stone
Diamond honing stones contains a very hard grains,which is essential to the honing of Carbide,Cast Iron,Glass and Ceramic materials.Designated by “D” in the stone code.
Featurer:High stock removal,High efficiency,High precision and long stone life.
CBN honing stone
CBN honing stone is contains aman-made abrasive(cubic boron nitride)especialy usefull for honing the tough Alloy Steel,Tool Steel,Die Steel,Harden Steel and other abrasive resistant materials.Designated by the letter"N" in stone code.
We use the world's best CBN and diamond abrasives to ensure high honing efficiency, longer tool life and higher quality. Today, Shanghai Zhuyun Machinery Co., Ltd. offers a variety of superabrasive whetstone/honing rods for a variety of applications. We offer a full range of Sunnen standard K, L, BL, P20, P28, H70, H50 and GHSS superabrasive honing stones at competitive prices, short lead times and low cost per part